The trailer was outside the plant and he was finishing up a door framing job. He went to step on a ladder device which wasn't flush with the door frame and he missed the first step, tripping over a rubber seal in the threshold. He flew down head first. (Ron said his cape malfunctioned and he should get his money back!) Anyway, he went to brace himself for the fall and the brunt of his fall was on his left wrist. He graveled up his face also. His right wrist is possibly broken too, but only slightly enough that it has a removable splint on it for now. He also has some pretty good bumps and bruises on his shoulder and one of his thighs.
Ron was driven to the emergency room at St. Luke's downtown by one of his co-workers. I was called by another of Ron's co-workers and I knew it wasn't good when he said, "I wish I were calling you with better news...." So, I rushed to the hospital and found Ron in lots of pain on a gurney. Ron told me that the nurse asked what pain level he was at and he said that he was an 8 or 9. It took a long time before Ron was able to get his shot of morphine though. Ron got exrayed and it showed that he broke his left wrist pretty bad. The ER doctor referred him to an orthopedic surgeon. They wrapped his wrist and arm in a "sugar tongue" splint. (Katherine, you'll know what that is :-) Ron's right wrist isn't as bad, possibly a small fracture, but the doctor couldn't tell. His face was full of dried blood clumps and the nurses and doctor didn't seem to care about how he looked, only how he felt. So I took some wet paper towels and proceeded to get dried blood and gravel off his face.
I told Ron that he scared her. It didn't phase him one bit! So, we finally got home and I had to help Ron with his shower so his spint wouldn't get wet, but somehow we managed to get it a little damp. A sister and brother in our ward brought dinner to us, which was so nice. By the time I got done doing everything for Ron, I sure didn't want to fix dinner. Here's Ron at home finally, all cleaned up.
Ron has an appointment on Monday afternoon with the surgeon.