Friday, May 6, 2011

Dad's Field Trip

One week post surgery, Dad went on a field trip... Walmart.

He says he's healing well, he's sleeping to aid the healing and the Doctor says he can start walking next week. He's looking forward to being able to walk around the neighborhood - he says Katherine won't even let him walk to get the mail. Let's hope he listens to her, cause I couldn't stop him from walking to the mailbox the day he got home from the hospital. What was I going to do, ground him? He'd just sneak out like we did when we were grounded. ;)
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I believe you have my stapler...

Dad's home from the hospital day early. Yay!

The staples have all been removed. The doctor said his incisions are healing so well it's like he has the skin of a 30 year old.

The purple bruising...yeah, that's still there.

You know what's NOT still there? The cancer! The surgeon said that the cancer hadn't gone through the intestinal wall and was not in his lymph nodes. Hooray!
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Monday, May 2, 2011

What time is it?

One thing Dad wants to know all the time is: what time is it? He's in and out of sleep quite a bit and never really knows what time it is. The one clock in his room was behind all of his IV equipment and every time we've been to see him, he's asked, multiple times, "what time is it?" He tried to put his watch on, but it wouldn't fit on his wrist due to the IV tubes stuck in there. So the nurses did Dad a solid and put a clock up on the bed across from his. Now all he has to do is look up and his need to know is satisfied. Clever nurses!

Since Dad will be in the hospital for a week, we brought him several things to try to keep him occupied. We didn't bring them to him soon enough though, apparently. Saturday night he kept getting out of bed (he said he was bored) - so much so that the nurses installed an alarm on his bed so they would be alerted if Dad decided to walk around without their assistance.

Here he is playing Trapt on a Tab and you can see the corner of Bobby's laptop on the bedside table - he's watching Inception (paused during our visit). Katherine brought his book and his mp3 players. Hopefully all of that will keep him occupied enough to stave off the boredom, but it's highly doubtful. If you're heading down Fort Street around 2 am on Tuesday or Wednesday night and see a man that looks like Grandpa Bob roaming around looking for something to do, it'll probably be him.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

G-Chat with the Great-Grandkids

We sent to visit Mom today and she got to visit with Tara, Jon, Ethan and Corryn while they were out on the porch enjoying some time in the kiddie pool. Corryn floated around in her tube and Ethan showed us his boat and how fantastic he is at scooping water from the pool and pouring it back into the pool. Mom really enjoyed being able to see the great-grandkids (and the grandkids). Hooray for technology!
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