Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mine! Mine! Mine!

In February Tara came up to Seattle for a visit and a foto gig. We went to Pike Place Market and got a dozen of the yummy donuts. We had a bunch left and decided to feed the pigeons. Much to Tara's surprise the seagulls swooped in within seconds. Swooped in. Almost attacking Tara...notice the flinch?

The seagulls were not sharing with the pigeons at all.

Here the seagulls are at least pretending to listen to Tara's lecture about sharing. But it didn't stick in their little bird brains. Poor pigeons.
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1 comment:

Tara said...

I was seriously fearing for my life. I was thinking "Great, it took me forever to finally make it to Seattle and now it's all over!!"