Saturday, February 19, 2011


On Friday we drove from Naples to Ercolano to see the ruins there. Since there are seven of us (Hunter, Collin, Gloria - Karley's friend, Karley, Steven, Ranee and Debbie) we borrowed a friend of Steven's car and drove 2 cars there. AND since Debbie LOVES to drive in unfamiliar places and in strange traffic (HA!). She did a fantastic job and mostly kept up with Steven.

And since Erolano was out of English guides we relied on Steven and Wikipedia to fill us in about what we were looking at. Though I think some of the stories we came up with were much better than the actual truth. Isn't that always the way?

I don't know what they used for paint back in 79 A.D. but it's still pretty vibrant...especially considering all of the ash and lava.

Some of the ruins...terracotta pots.

All in all it was more interesting than I thought it would be, but the boys were a bit disappointed we didn't see any mummies. Darn.
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