Saturday, February 12, 2011


Top of the Rock. Nothin'...just the Top...with the Empire State Building behind us.
Ice Skating - Bryant Park. It was hard to ice skate. fell on my second time around the rink because I didn't know how to do diddly squat and then Mom landed on me (she considers that not falling) and squashed me.
The only gross thing at Shake Shack. Gross! Grotesque. Disgusting, revolting, unlawful and lethal. Yeah, that seems about right. (Ranee would like to point out that Collin did not taset this hot dog and she thinks Grandpa Bob would really like it, she did.) I would like to start a fundraiser to open a Shake Shack in Boise...and to discard the hot dog above from the face of the Earth.
Collin: What park was that?
Ranee: Central Park
Collin: Yeah, put that. And Top of the Rock again.

Conversation at Top of the Rock when Collin and Ranee were discussing the surroudings.

Collin: I've been to that park before.
Ranee: Really?! When?
Collin: In Spider-Man 3. I really don't like that park cause there's nothing to swing on with your webs and you have actually walk through the park like a normal person. Not the kind of thing you'd find Spider-Man doing...actually walking. I try to avoid that park often.
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1 comment:

Lynda said...

I'm jealous....wish I were with you all.