Monday, February 21, 2011

Musei Vaticani

We got up bright and early this morning, rode the super crowded Metro through Rome to Vatican City. It, like all of Rome, was lousy with people. We went on a tour with a very knowledeable guy...who, like the Vatican, was a bit overwhelming. He said that if you were to stand in front of each work of art in the Vatican Museum for one minute it would take three and a half years. There is SO and sculptures and tapestries we could scarcely take it in.

Collin saw a guy that looked like Pele (Collin also thought Rome was a country and all the Italian flags confused him until he realized Rome is part of Italy).

Hunter saw a woman that looked like his Fine Arts teacher, except she had a bigger chin.

Karley said there were paintings everywhere and she and Gloria were blown away by the paintings on the ceilings of some of the halls that actually looked like sculptures.

A good time was had by all.

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