Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So long...

Our flight from Rome arrived too late for us to connect to Boise and Seattle so we stayed one night near Times Square. We couldn't find a cab large enough to fit all of our luggage. So we ended up walking the 3/4 mile from Grand Central Terminal (gorgeous!) to the hotel in the freezing cold. The boys were miserable. But our hotel was warm and comfy, so they recovered quickly. They have vowed never to do this again...the one night here, two nights there, carry our luggage everywhere.

On the shuttle from JFK to Manhattan last night we looked out the windows expecting to see ruins. It seemed that everywhere we went in Italy there was some building older than the discovery of America. But, alas, all we saw were buildings and more buildings. Then we came around a corner and there was the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building. We decided NY was beautiful and historic in a different way.

Debbie and the boys are on a flight to Chicago then home. I'm at JFK waiting to board my flight to snowy Seattle. I'm wearing short sleeves and refusing to admit I am no longer in sunny Italy.

Good times!

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